Aralia Bonsai Care [Polyscias]

Let me quickly tell you that if you are looking for any kind of information related to the aralia bonsai plant, then you are at the right place.

We have prepared this In-depth Aralia Bonsai guide only for you! Here you will find all types of information about an aralia bonsai plant – be it care, maintenance, history, varieties, and other general queries.

Scientific NamePolyscias sp.
Origin of plantAsia and America
Soil typeLoamy, rich, and well-draining
TemperaturePrefers a warm temperature.   Does not like cold temperatures below 60 degrees.
WateringThe soil should be kept consistently moist but do not keep it saturated with water.   Let the soil almost dry out before watering it again.
Maintenance levelEasy and friendly for the beginners
ToxicitySome species are poisonous for animals and even humans

Can we bonsai aralia plant?

Before we discuss any other thing, it is very important to determine whether we can bonsai an aralia plant or not?

Yes, you can bonsai an aralia plant.

Aralia As A Bonsai || Bonsai Making || Pruning Aralia Plant

Aralia is one of the easiest plants that you can convert and grow as an indoor bonsai. This plant does not require any complex maintenances.

You just have to learn the very basics of how to take care of this plant & you are ready to go. It is a wonderful household plant that can bring so much greenery to your house if you take care of it well.

Aralia bonsai history

What is the history of this aralia bonsai plant & where does this plant originate from?

Well, the historical references say that the aralia bonsai plant originates from the mountain areas of Asia and America.

This plant belongs to the evergreen trees and looks very attractive. Sources say that there are at least 68 species in this genre of the plant.

Some species of this plant can grow only up to 50 centimeters whereas some species of this plant can grow up to 20 meters. This means that you can grow this plant as a tree or shrub.

But when you grow the aralia plant as bonsai, it will surely have a smaller size because bonsai cultivation is all about growing a miniature version of a plant.

Aralia bonsai scientific name

The scientific name of the aralia bonsai plant is Polyscias sp.

Are you wondering why do we use the scientific name?

Well, the reason is that the Aralia bonsai plant has several different names in different languages and different parts of the world. It creates a big confusion.

That’s why we have set a single scientific name for the Aralia plant. It is accepted in all parts of the world.

The scientific name of the plant has two parts. The first part is the genus name whereas the second part is the species name.

For example, Polysciasfruticosa is the scientific name of the famous Ming aralia species of this plant.

Aralia bonsai care

Like we told you in the beginning that the aralia bonsai plant is very easy to grow and maintain.

You just have to learn how to take care of this plant – the right way.

In case you are curious to know how to care for an aralia bonsai plant, then let me tell you that you have to take care of these 8 things:

  1. Correctly watering the plant.
  2. Giving the right amount of fertilizer at the right time.
  3. Repotting the plant at right time.
  4. Correctly pruning the plant.
  5. Keeping the plant at a safe temperature.
  6. Using the right soil for the plant.
  7. Giving the right amount of light to the plant.
  8. Keeping the plant safe from different pests and insects.

Keep reading and we will explain everything one by one. You will gain a lot of knowledge.

Aralia bonsai temperature

Plants have a specific range of temperatures under which they can survive and grow successfully. If you will keep them away from their safe temperature, then your plant will stop growing and may even die.

Similarly, the temperature and humidity are of significant importance for your aralia bonsai plant.

Experts say that this Aralia bonsai likes warmer temperatures. It cannot tolerate any temperature below 60℉. If you will keep the plant below 60 degrees then its foliage will start shedding. That’s why you will have to specially protect this plant during winter.

It is one of the few plants that are intolerant of winds and hate direct sunlight. They also thrive well indoors.

Aralia bonsai fertilizer

The second important factor is fertilization. When you are growing the aralia bonsai plant in a pot, it will have a limited amount of nutrients available in the soil that will be consumed by the plant and finish quickly.

Thus, you will have to keep fertilizing the plant in the right amount & at the right time.

You can give liquid fertilizer to your aralia bonsai plant after every month during the growing season (which is spring to autumn).

Some sources say that you can feed your plant after every 2 weeks during growth. In winter, you can feed the plant after every 6 weeks.  Some people also reported better results after using Osmocote.

If your plant is shedding leaves for no reason or its leaves are turning yellow then it means that the plant lacks nutrients.

Aralia bonsai pruning/trimming

Pruning is when we perform selective trimming of the plant and give it a desired shape & style.

However, you need to know when you should do it and how you should do it because careless pruning is dangerous for your plant.

So, what’s the correct way to prune Aralia bonsai?

When the shoots of your aralia plant grow 4 to 5 leaves, you should prune them back to 1 or 2 leaves. If you need a more tree-like appearance then removing the internal branches can help with that. Partial defoliation of the plant will help you with leaf reduction.

If you want fuller trunk growth, then removing suckers from single-trunk specimens will help you achieve that.

Aralia bonsai repotting

Repotting the plant is essential for its health. Otherwise, it will develop complicated conditions and may not grow very well.

Repotting needs to be done at the right time. Doing it too frequently will weaken your plant, stop its growth, & even kill it.

We recommend you repot your aralia bonsai plant after every 2 to 3 years in spring. The roots of this plant are delicate so be careful while repotting.

A well-draining and compact soil mixture will be ideal for your plant. Using a deeper pot is much safer and beneficial instead of using a shallow pot.

Aralia bonsai pests and diseases

Pests and diseases are always present in nature. They can attack your plant under unfavorable conditions, slow down its growth, and even kill it if left untreated.

If you are growing an aralia bonsai plant then you should be prepared to deal with pests like spider mites, eelworms, scales, aphids, and mealybugs.

Moreover, this plant is also vulnerable to the attack of bacterial canker and verticillium wilt.

Overwatering this bonsai plant can lead to the decaying of its roots.

Aralia bonsai soil

The soil medium in which you are growing your plant has a direct impact on its health.

Different plants have different soil choices. Some like to stay in acidic ones whereas some love to stay in alkaline soils. If you will not grow this plant in favorable soil then its growth will stop and it may even die.

The roots of the aralia bonsai plant will start rotting if there is excess water. Thus, we advise you to use a well-draining soil mixture. It will prevent the roots from rotting and keep your bonsai plant healthy.

Aralia bonsai watering

Water keeps a plant alive and helps it grow. Your aralia bonsai plant also needs water for its survival and growth.

However, giving too much water to Arabia bonsai will lead to the decaying of its roots.

Experts say that you have to keep this plant moist consistently but never keep it saturated.

Water the soil generously and then let the soil almost dry out before you water the plant again. Weekly watering sessions will help you sort out a better routine.

In winter, you should reduce the watering frequency of this plant. You are recommended to do it every other week for better results.

This watering approach will keep your bonsai plant safe and healthy.

Aralia bonsai sunlight requirements

Sunlight is required by the plants to perform photosynthesis and prepare their food.

When it comes to aralia bonsai, it does not like direct sunlight because the dazzling sun rays can damage its sensitive foliage.

We strongly recommend you never keep Aralia bonsai in direct sunlight. This plant loves bright indirect light and some shade as well. You are advised to provide 6 to 8 hours of filtered light to Aralia bonsai for better health and growth.

Aralia bonsai varieties

The aralia bonsai plant has so many different varieties. Each of them has different characteristics that make it unique from the rest of them.

Let’s quickly take a look at the most popular of them right now:

Ming aralia bonsai

It is an evergreen shrub that loves to stay in a rich, loamy, and well-drained soil mixture.

This plant is toxic to humans & animals and can cause health problems.

Overall, it is a wonderful plant that will enhance the greenery in your house and bring peace, harmony, and tranquility.

It is very good at air purification. This plant can remove the toxic particles present in the air of your house. So, it is beneficial for your health as well.

Parsley aralia bonsai

One more famous type of aralia bonsai. This plant hates direct sunlight and loves to stay in bright indirect light.

It requires a well-draining soil mixture for better health and growth.

False aralia bonsai

False aralia is a wonderful household plant that is famous for its attractive foliage.

Balfour aralia bonsai

The scientific name of this type is Polysciasbalfouriana.

This plant has large round leaves and it loves to stay in a warm and humid environment. It likes bright light.

Geranium aralia bonsai

The geranium aralia bonsai likes a well-draining and loamy soil for better growth. Just like the other variants, this plant also hates direct sunlight and likes indirect and bright light.

Japanese aralia bonsai

This is a very popular household plant. It needs a neutral pH level of soil and the soil type should be moist and well-drained. It does not like direct sunlight and you should keep it in partial sun or shade.

Aralia Fabian bonsai

The aralia Fabian bonsai is a very beautiful indoor plant. The top portion of the leaves of aralia Fabian bonsai is green whereas the bottom portion is purple.

The plant has a very unique, unusual, and attractive appearance. It is easy to maintain and friendly for beginners.

Aralia bonsai should be placed indoor or outdoor?

The aralia bonsai plant should be placed indoors. This bonsai plant grows very well when you place it indoors.

The reason is that the aralia bonsai plant does not like direct sunlight. The dazzling sun rays can damage the foliage of this plant.

It needs bright indirect light which you can provide indoors and grow it successfully.

The plant also likes to stay in warm climates. It can be damaged by extremely cold weather outdoors (below 60 degrees).

These were the reasons why this plant is best for indoors.

Is aralia bonsai, a good air purifier?

Yes, the aralia bonsai plant is an extremely good air purifier.

Studies have shown that the aralia bonsai plant is extremely good at removing dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOC) from your indoor environment.

The VOCs are very bad for your health. Inhaling the dangerous VOCs can lead to irritation of the throat, nose, and eyes, breathing problems, nausea, headache, cancer, damage to organs and the central nervous system.

That’s why the aralia bonsai plant is a very good choice as a household plant for everyone.

How to make an aralia bonsai?

The best way for growing an aralia bonsai plant is with the help of cuttings.

You have to take a healthy and green stem cutting from another plant. Cut it very carefully and make sure that its skin does not peel off.

Dip the cutting in rooting hormone and then plant it in damp soil. Keep it in a warm and humid environment.

The stem cutting will develop roots after some time and eventually grow into a full bonsai plant. You will have to keep maintaining it along the way.

How to make aralia bonsai grow faster?

If you want to increase the growth rate of your aralia bonsai plant, then you will have to give it extra time and care.

Here are some tips to help you:

1. Give it bright indirect light

This plant does not like direct & full sunlight. The hot rays of the sun can damage this plant.

You are advised to give it bright and indirect light for 6 to 8 hours daily.

2. Keep it in a warm location

This bonsai plant likes to stay in warm environments. It cannot tolerate cold temperatures below 60 degrees.

3. Correct watering

Overwatering can cause the decaying of roots of this plant. You should keep its soil moist but never saturated with water.

Once you have watered the plant, then you should wait for the soil to become almost dry before you water it again.

4. Give it well-draining soil

Poor draining soil causes the water to stay around the roots of this plant. It will lead to the rotting of roots.

That’s why you need well-draining soil to keep the plant healthy and growing.

5. Fertilize it

Fertilizers increase the availability of nutrients present in the soil. This way your plant gets better nutrition and grows well.

Make sure that you fertilize your bonsai plant at the right time & also use the right amount of fertilizer.

Why do people love to bonsai aralia plant?  

Here are a couple of reasons why people love to bonsai an aralia plant:

1. It can be kept indoors

This plant does not like full direct sunlight. It just needs indirect and bright sunlight. It also needs protection from extremely cold outdoor weather (below 60 degrees).

You can place this plant indoors and it will still grow very well.

2. Easy maintenance

This is a beginner-friendly plant that does not require much of your time and energy. You won’t have to do any complex maintenances.

You just have to follow the basic care guidelines we have dropped above and you are ready to go!

3. It is beautiful

The aralia bonsai is very cute. It enhances the greenery of your indoor environment and gives very relaxing, peaceful, and lovely vibes.

It’s just a great household plant.

4. Great air purifier

The aralia bonsai plant is very good at purifying the air. It can remove dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from your indoor environment.

VOCs can cause a lot of serious health problems like cancer, damage to organs & central nervous system, irritation of, nose, eyes, and throat, etc.

Is aralia bonsai toxic?

Yes, some species of the aralia bonsai plant are toxic to humans and animals.

You are advised to keep the animal and children away from the plant OR just not buy the poisonous species.

Always wear gloves while handling the poisonous species and wash your hands and face after that.

Symptoms of poisoning can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastro irritation, skin irritation, redness, rashes, blisters, etc.

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